Weekly writings about the random thoughts and project seeds.
As a way to make this website a bit more of a reflection of the thoughts I have and the evolution I take as a design researcher these weekly writings are designed to be an outlet for ongoing projects and thoughts. Not all these seeds are thought through, many are half baked, but it is exactly such a process of getting finger to keyboard that moves me along as a designer. Enjoy!
Objects of exnovation.
How might we design decompositional things? The connected devices we encounter everyday are far from immortal, but we as designers treat their creation and use as if they are. What does an ecosystem of immortal things need? How about a type of connected-thing with a decomposer role!
In progress…
Food system value constellations.
The result of my masters thesis was a system proposition that utilized a platform of requests and mutual aid to support the co-creation of a local food ecosystem. Through this process, One of the areas not covered in the project was the food system constellations that hypothetically could form through such a system. What is a designer’s role in the designing of systems of value exchange, and what design methods are needed to best design for community value constellations?