Build, test, build, test...
Below are a collection of short projects from the last year geared to explore the possibilities of concepts through prototyping using Arduino, wizard of oz, and processing. I love working with my hands and being able to visualize and develop a concept through iterative prototypes is one of my favorite aspects of Interaction design.
All projects were completed in a week or less.
The Secret Emotion of Objects
During an experience prototyping course we were challenged to use video as a method of prototyping. Our topic assigned was complexity and we chose to dig into the complexity of devices communicating and connecting with each other. Our question was simple: how would they talk and how do they feel.
Data Receipts
With our data being collected nearly continuously, this concept explores how to make visible this continual stream of transactions. The object asks the question: what is necessary for people to understand how our objects interact with us? This speculative object is connected to smart hubs and proposes that every time a connected device sends data to the parent company a receipt is printed. Pretty soon there will be a mountain of receipts piled next to connected things. There is however a ‘bliss’ button that pauses the printing of receipts for a predetermined amount of time.
Fabric Crossfader
During a week fabric form workshop during the winter of 2017 in IxD 1 at UID we were challenged to experiment with how fabrics could be used in interaction design. We were tasked with selecting a song and visualizing it. Both myself and a classmate Max Herr we interested in exploring how a fabric screen could be used in conjunction with a Kinect to make our songs more visible and the interaction with the material explorative and playful. We used a combination of a Kinect, Audacity, and Processing to achieve our result: a Fabric Crossfader.
Adidas retail Concept
This concept was done in a week at Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design during the summer of 2016. After conducting rapid research in the surrounding research I ideated through prototyping on "what would it look like if customers were able to get on the fly information about a product". The result was an interactive display that gives and highlights the important product information through customer proximity to the product.
B-cube is a project made during a Makethon in partnership with Cinnober during 2016 in Umeå. The b-cube concept is a portable and desk sized three dimensional bar graph. Due to the flexibility of data types that can be displayed on the b-cube employees on all levels can use it as a tool. Managers and CEOs can use it to analyze larger scale trends while technicians can use it to spot more detailed data sets.
Dela was a one week project done at Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design during the summer of 2016. It is a scale and companion app that allows you to document what leftover food you have lying around in your fridge. With this new list of ingredients you are able to make social meals with your friends or community. You might not have all the ingredients for a great home cooked meal but Dela can help you find the rest of the ingredients you need!